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real live tour dates

after months and months of no new news, things are really starting to pick up around here. first we had album news, then we had album cover art, and today we’re excited to announce north american tour dates. starting on april 10th, we’re going to be making a big old loop around the US and Canada. for the first time ever, we’ll actually be playing in minneapolis on a tour (seriously). we’ll also be making our first visits to the good people of south burlington, denton, san diego, and last, but certainly not least, eugene. we’ll be joined on the whole tour by our soon to be BFF’s, white denim. head on over the shows page for all the tour dates.

stay tuned for more show announcements. including at least 3 “secret shows” (taking place in 3 different countries on 2 different continents), SXSW shows, tour ticket presale, and all sorts of other goodies. oh yeah!