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new song and ticket pre-sale

the day is finally upon us. we’ve finally got a new song for you! we’ve been waiting for months, and now the time has come. so without further ado, we present to you, hang them all!

hang them all mp3

hang them all FLAC

we’ve got two file types for y’all. the first, is your standard high quality mp3 (320 kbps). we’ve also put up a FLAC file for all you super duper music geeks out there. we spent a lot of time getting everything to sound just right, so we thought we’d give you the best sound quality we could. hope you guys enjoy!

also, the presale for our upcoming north american tour with white denim starts TODAY. a limited number of tickets have been held for you guys and will be available through an exclusive presale! by buying tickets through the presale, you’ll be able to get your tickets before anyone else AND save money on service charges. as an added bonus, if you buy a ticket through the presale, you will get a 15% off coupon to pre-order our new record, “Walk It Off.” after you buy the ticket, you’ll receive an email with instructions on how to pre-order the album!

CLICK HERE here to get your tickets!