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SURPRISE: Twin Cities Show TONIGHT!!!

that’s right kids, we’re playing a show tonight (thursday 2/21) @ the turf club in st. paul. we can’t tell you how excited we are. it’s true that we’re always talking about how excited we are about things, but we’re REALLY excited about this show. it’s with two of our favorite MSP bands, vampire hands and blind shake. and it’s gonna rule! we hope you can come on down. we’re gonna be playing all of “walk it off” (minus one song), and just straight rock-rock-rawkin! go to the shows page for all the details
be there or be square.

REMINDER: Tickets for our April/May Tour w/white denim go on sale tomorrow to the general public. The pre-sale is still going on HERE, too. if you get tickets through the presale you’ll pay less cash money for fees and get a coupon for 15% off presale of “walk it off”. woohoo! oh yeah, detroit’s up now too. rock city.