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YOU Walk it off!

In celebration of our new album, Walk It Off, out very soon on April 8th, we are asking you guys to participate in a Making Strides Against Breast Cancer or Avon Walk For Breast Cancer event, to raise awareness and funds for breast cancer research. You can register as “Team Tapes ’N Tapes,” for a walk event in your area.
Once you have completed a walk in your city as “Team Tapes ’n Tapes,” you can report back about the funds you’ve raised to marketing(at) with the subject line “Walk It Off for charity” and a winner in each city will be selected to receive a personalized signed copy of our double LP Walk it Off!

For you folks right here in Minneapolis/St Paul, you can start us off with participation in the Susan G. Komen Twin Cities Race for the Cure on Mother’s Day, May 11, 2008.
Information below!

American Cancer Society
Making Strides Against Breast Cancer
Twin Cities, MN—October, 2008
Nation-wide walks in May and October
To register a team, simply click on your state and review the Making Strides events listed. Click on “Get Involved.”

Avon Foundation
Avon Walk For Breast Cancer
Nation-wide season runs April-October
To register a team, simply click “Register to Walk” on the homepage and select the walk nearest to you.

Upcoming spring events in: Houston, Washington D.C., Boston, Chicago, Rocky Mountains, San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York, and Charlotte!

Susan G.
Komen Twin Cities Race For the Cure
May 11, 2008
5K walks and runs htm
There is still time to register for this Twin Cities event on Mother’s Day, May 11th 2008. To register, simply select “Register” from the “Race” tab on the homepage.

thanks everyone.
we really hope some of you can take part and help out this great cause!!!