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week in review (it was a busy one)

it’s been quite a busy week here for us. we started off in nyc on monday and recorded an acoustic session at sirius radio and our record, walk it off, came out in the UK. then on tuesday the record came out in north america, we played and in-studio at WNYC, and an in-store at the virgin megastore. on wednesday, we “rawked out” on conan o’brien (check out the video below) then hurried back home so we could kick off tour at first avenue on thursday with birthday suits and white denim (who both totally rule with an iron fist). then on friday it was off to chicago for a most spectacular show at the metro. and last, but most certainly not least, we headed on over to detroit rock city for a show on friday night. thanks to everyone who came out to the shows this week! we had a blast!

right now we are up in lovely toronto. we have s ashow tonight at the opera house. later this week we’ll be in montreal, burlington, boston, new york, and brooklyn (our friends from MSP, vampire hands will be playing at the new york and brooklyn shows…which we’re super excited about). we’re looking forward to seeing all you beautiful people in those beautiful cities!

that’s all for now.