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more walks and tour

we’ve got all sorts of news for you!

first off, we have just posted a new video for “hang them all”. look up, and you’ll see it.

next up, tickets for some of our california shows are almost gone. so if you want to be sure to get in, get your tickets soon! thanks to all the folks who have come out to the shows so far! we’re halfway through the tour today, and it’s been a blast! all of our upcoming tour dates are on the shows page . there have been a few changes and shows added to our european tour dates, so check em out. hopefully, we’ll see y’all soon!

also, the American Cancer Society got in touch with us because they heard about the breast cancer walks that we’re supporting. they asked if we could let folks know you can participate in the American Cancer Society’s Relay For Life, as well! Relay For Life is the largest walk event in the country – it’s held in 5,000 communities in the united states and is in hundreds more in 19 other countries. they also have over 350 relays held on college campuses. here’s the info on how you can participate:

American Cancer Society
Relay For Life
twin cities, MN – relays held may through august 2008
nationwide – relays are held every month of the year
to find a relay near you go to:

that’s just about it. we’ll talk to you all soon.