Author Archive | josh

show and stuff

so it’s been a while since we’ve made any sort of updates to this here website. but don’t fear, we haven’t gone anywhere. we’ve just been busy working on stuff…we’ll have more news on what kind of stuff soon. but we promise it’s good stuff.

but enough about that, let’s talk about the future. let’s talk about us playing a live rock ‘n roll show. let’s talk about it being a free rock ‘n roll show. let’s talk about us playing a set chalk full of new songs (but don’t worry, we won’t forget about the old songs). we’ll be doing just that on Nov. 30th @ the triple rock. go check out the shows page for more details. we hope you can make it. it’s sure to be a grand ol time. we haven’t played a rock show in a whlie, so we’re super excited.

that’s all for now, but there should be more real soon…